Acupuncture Leeds – Bradford – West Yorkshire

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Acupuncture is another ancient and very powerful technique which is recognized by the NHS and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Acupuncture is often used to treat musculoskeletal conditions including neck pain, joint pain, dental pain and even to boost post-operative recovery. It is also believed to be effective against infertility, insomnia, depression, allergies and digestive disorders, among many others. A list of symptoms we may be able to ease with acupuncture can be found here.

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Melanie is a fully qualified Acupuncture Practitioner and has seen great success with many clients over the years, of all ages and suffering from many varied conditions. Acupuncture practitioners believe the procedure can promote the flow of chi – our life energy – around the body, helping to free blockages and boost recovery from many symptoms.

Although an acupuncture treatment does involve the use of tiny needles applied at key points through the body, it is a very relaxing and enjoyable procedure.

At The Therapy Bar we always ensure you are warm and feeling comfortable before we leave you to relax and feel the full benefit of the experience.

Please watch this short video to give you an introduction to Acupuncture and what will happen at your appointment:

Our price for Acupuncture starts from £



The Therapy Bar – Acupuncture Leeds – Acupuncture Bradford – West Yorkshire