December 2014 –

Well this year has whizzed by so fast I can’t quite believe it’s already nearly Christmas!

I’ve had such a busy year with The Therapy Bar going from strength to strength and to top it all I’m ending the year with a house move – who knew I had so much stuff?!

jong baik

I’ve also just fit in another fantastic course learning all about different cancers and Traditional East Asian Medicine with Jong Kook Baik. It was fantastic to hear the rewarding cases of patients that work hard to help themselves reduce the side effects of chemo and radiation – it can be done. Sadly people do not always survive, but pain and symptoms can be helped to make their time as easy as possible. Moxa, Magnets, Acupuncure and Herbs are so powerful!

I am constantly reminded that the biggest thing any of us can do to prevent illness and to speed recovery when we are sick is to improve our diet! It is so important to educate ourselves about what foods to eat – and stick to what we learn.

Thankyou Jong for this weekend!



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